Thursday, June 21, 2007


We're trying to prioritize some tasks for LCD, and I could use some help.

Particularly, we're trying to figure out in what release to include the support for the Notes client as a target development platform for LCD. In 6.0, we could deploy to portal, and with our alphaworks edition, to WASCE. My own sense is that supporting Notes client applications is tremendously important, but it would really help if I could reference a cast of thousands who agreed with me :-)

Is it important to you that LCD build Notes client applications? If so, do you plan to predominantly use Domino data in them, or would you want to use LCD's onboard XML document store, or both? If you would need the XML document store, would it be ok or not to wait for offline access to that data from the client?

I'll try not to prejudice the answers with my own views other than my already saying I think supporting Notes is important :-)

thanks for your thoughts!


Anonymous said...

As Notes already has a great IDE, I guess the question is if LCD should support developing expeditor components, that could then be used in Notes 8 and above composite applications.
I find this very useful, and I would prefer to utilize NSF instead of the XML store.

Anonymous said...

Why would I use LCD to build Notes CLIENT apps? I might want to use it to build DOMINO apps. That seems much more useful.

But either way, some translation of XML data store to NSF would be needed, wouldn't it?

Unknown said...

I restate what I said on Bob's site ... I would like to see LCD allow me to build sidebar and Composte App components with ease. Use LCD to cover that basis so I do not have to learn Eclipse/Expeditor all the way to do that.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea to have the possibility to create Components for the Notes Client in LCD. I think in LCD i can do some things which are not possible in pure Designer. But the integration is only useful if the applications can go offline.

Ralf M Petter

Anonymous said...

"some translation of XML data store to NSF would be needed"

Or would a local DB2 with all the row and column ACLs plus the forthcoming roles (Viper 2) optionally "back end" the NSF? Native XML storage aside, the value in the pure XML store in DB2 is in the XQuery and XQuery/SQL integration. Making that work against XML in an NSF would be some trick. Exposing Notesitem-contained XML natively in the Notes APIs would be a nice middle ground.

Maureen said...

Just to clear things up, there would be no need to translate xml document store to NSF. LCD can build an app against pure NSF data, which feels to me like the primary kind of data you would use in a Notes (or Domino) app built with LCD.

The xml doc store could be an option for N/D apps, but it's unlikely xml doc store data could go offline first time out. NSF data of course could be online OR offline, since Notes has been doing replication since before some of my children were born!

As for why would you want to use an LCD app in the client? Java looking views, built in and custom Ajax behaviors, rich programming model, ...

Anonymous said...

I would want to use LCD for side-bar application as well as a generic tool to deploy to Expeditor (which would work with Notes 8 too). The Java Eclipse way to write RCP is way too hard. LCD's schema validation is cool. You could use a NSF backend but still introduce some schema rigor.
LCD is too much an interesting tool to leave it to the WebUI only.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a developer by any means, but I am able to build Notes apps based on @functions. I think the first priority of LCD should be to extend the RAD environment of Domino Designer to Expeditor components / Notes 8/Sametime sidebar apps. This kind of client apps should be able to use all data sources, LCD provides plus a local XML store. I personally could live with not having XML synch or local NSF data available in the next release.
The most important data store missing is REST type access to feed data as provided from Quickr / Connections. being able to easily access these would be a real boost.

Neil Wainwright said...

I'm guessing LCD isn't DDE, so my only opinion is that if LCD can let me build native web apps in the Domino data store that still leaves me able to use Notes agents against the data, I'm all for it. I can't count the times I'm amazed about how great Agent Manager is.